Marker plug Mous plumbing system
Once the plumbing to a storey floor is complete, plumbing can be done from the MOUS points in the now familiar way (figure 1). If you have ever visited a construction project where the MOUS System was used, you have undoubtedly seen the marking plug (figure 2). The marking plug is a bright yellow-coloured component that is inserted - with some clamping force - into a mouling point once the point is not used for measurements. The marking plug houses the following functions. The plug's conspicuous imprint 'MEETPUNT' ensures that everyone realises that the tube is not a random transit pipe, but that it performs an important function for measuring. Because the measurement point is so well seen, it is also more likely to be 'spared' and sight paths are more likely to remain free of obstacles. A second function is keeping the measuring point clean, so that even after a long time, the fittings still fit cleanly into the tubes. The third function has to do with water; the plug prevents water that collects on a floor from seeping or flowing down through the points. It is extremely frustrating to have to lead an optical instrument or lead laser to the next floor while water droplets splashing on the lens make visibility impossible or cause the laser beam to fan out. Needless to say, when measuring - no matter which attachment is used - the plug is removed first.
Fig. 2